Early Childhood

This level comprises of Baby Class, Nursery, PP1 and PP2. The children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which sets the standards that all Early Years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.

Lower Primary

This includes Grade 1-6. Upon completion of the ECD classes, a pupil graduates to this level. Here, more subjects are added to the pupil and the pupil upon completion of this section ahould be able to read, write, have computer knowledge, be fully active in co curricular activities etc.This level consists of teaching classrooms including an information communication technology suite, modern foreign languages classrooms, a music room and a secure playground.

Junior Secondary

This includes Grade 7-8. Upon completion of lower primay- Grade 1-6, a pupil graduates to this level. Here, more subjects are added to the pupil and the pupil upon completion of this section ahould be able to do practicals, advanced reading, have high computer knowledge, be fully active in co curricular activities.This level consists of teaching classrooms including an information communication technology suite, modern foreign languages classrooms and a music room